In a matter of hours, Venezuela will enter one of the most turbulent political episodes in its recent history. Just one day before the inauguration of the current acting president, Nicolás Maduro, who was proclaimed the winner of the presidential elections without the publication of the official minutes, tension is felt in every street of the capital due to the evident fear for the explosion to explode guarimba -armed conflict-.
Caracas has dawned again amid strong security devices. With members of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM) – the heavyweights of its special forces – and pressure groups such as the motorized Chavista brigades – a parapolice group related to the PSUV and Chavismo -. Also wallpapered with ‘Wanted’ posters with the faces of the 7 former Latin American presidents who have closed ranks with the opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.
Venezuelan society – both those who reside in the country and the millions of emigrants it has around the world, 400,000 in Spain alone – is heading towards the great test by fire since the death of Chávez and the political succession that fell to the figure of Maduro. Today González finishes the last stop of his American tour in search of international support for his intention to take office. Under repeated warnings from Chavismo that it would be a coup d’état.
Officers from the military general directorate of counterintelligence (DGCIM) control one of the ‘checkpoints’ set up on the roads of Caracas, under the gaze of members of the motorized Chavista brigades, a group related to the PSUV.
The opposition: between Edmundo’s international tour and Machado’s leadership at the head of the banner
In recent days, the Venezuelan opponent has traveled to Argentina, Uruguay, the United States, Panama and is now in the Dominican Republic on a tour of America ahead of January 10, when Nicolás Maduro will assume a new consecutive mandate in the midst of opposition complaints of fraud in the elections of July 28.
The opposition leader claimed this Wednesday in an event with former Latin American presidents and foreign ministers his victory in the presidential elections, and that there are records that prove it.
The Venezuelan opposition assures that it has gathered “85% of the electoral records”, which were published on a website for consultation, through witnesses and polling station members on the night of the elections, which attest to the triumph of González Urrutia, some documents that the Government describes as “false”.
This Wednesday, Panama received in “custody all” the minutes of the presidential elections in Venezuela that – they assure – would give the victory to González Urrutia. And that has caused – in addition to Trump’s expansionist threats – that . So far, the National Electoral Council (CNE), which awarded the victory to Maduro, has not published minutes or the broken down results of the votes, despite the fact that its own schedule contemplates this.
For now, all eyes are on what is expected to be a historic opposition march in the streets. It will be led and headed by María Corina Machado herself, who after the elections last July decided to stay in her country, but under conditions of strict security and in hiding.
“We all know that this is over (…), now it’s time to complete the task and each one has their part, like an orchestra. Tomorrow (Thursday) we will meet in the towns and cities throughout Venezuela (…) and in hundreds of cities around the world,” said the former deputy in a video published on her social networks.
Machado, who confirmed on Tuesday that he will come out of hiding and attend the demonstration, expressed that “the time has come” for the “longed-for” reunion and asked Venezuelans for “serenity and firmness” in claiming the victory that González Urrutia claims. .
‘Wanted’ poster with the face of opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia in Caracas, Venezuela.
“We are a country that has three colors and that wants its three colors united, therefore, those of you who are forced to go out tomorrow with a red flannel, I tell you, come out and come with us, let’s celebrate together,” said the opponent. .
In his opinion, the Caribbean country is “already a swollen river that feeds on each” of its inhabitants and, in that sense, he stated that “this enormous force that has been accumulating has already reached the point where it overflows and is unstoppable.” “.