On Friday, January 10, at 8:30 p.m. at Jednotka the premiere continues The 15th series of the popular show I love Slovakia. Moderator Martin Nikodym will once again welcome two competitive teams, this time composed of actors, to the studio. Teams with proven captains To Adele Vincze and Dan Dangle played by Slovak actors Jana Majeská, Zuzana Konečná, Jana Labajová, Peter Brajerčík, Juraj Šoko Tabaček a Michal Spielmann.
At the beginning of the session, the captains always introduce their competition teams. While Adela always starts from the end of her counter, Dano goes in the opposite direction. And it’s not a coincidence! There is a prosaic reason behind this procedure.
See in the preview why the competition teams are introduced in this way and don’t miss the premiere episode of the 15th series of the show I Love Slovakia at 8:30 p.m. on Jednotka!