It is common that during the months of January many people outline what they expect at work from the new year, and mark the most relevant dates on the calendar. Within this group are the opponents, who permanently track all the places where any type of information about new calls for applications appears. With the start of 2025, it has already begun to collect the first contests. To date (with the passage of time more will be added) 118 calls with 2,202 places have been made public.
Where can I see which positions have already been announced?
As we said, the BOE is the place where you can find all the calls announced to date. The website () houses all the information, and in one of its sections (which is updated daily) there is each day’s bulletin. Clicking to download the complete document.
However, this task can be somewhat tedious. For this reason, there are other alternatives that allow access to more specific information and in a more agile way. And there is a search engine that offers all the results directly, and that even allows you to refine the search further if you are only interested in some specific calls. To do this, it is as easy as filling in the boxes and clicking on the search button.
Are they all the same type?
This detail is very important. Not all the places offered are the same, that is, some of them are free access (anyone can apply for them); while others are internal promotion. Only those public workers who are already within the system can go to them.
Within the first category, so far 869 positions have been announced for the Management Body of the Social Security Administration and 1,250 positions for the Administrative Body of Social Security. In the other, there are 1,310 and 670 places, respectively, for workers who value an improvement.
What are the requirements demanded?
To know what training is needed to apply for the position, it is necessary to directly access the desired offer, and display all the information. In some cases, it is enough to have ESO or a high school diploma. While in some others university training is required. In each of the offers the characteristics of the position to be filled are very well explained.
When does the registration period end?
As it is the first month of the year, and, therefore, the first offer of places, it is necessary to hurry. Given that the deadline to access the calls for oppositions opened last Thursday, January 2, Candidates have until January 30 to register for some of them. Therefore, the recommendation is to inform yourself as soon as possible, since not all offer this four-week period.
What do I have to do to start the process?
It is important to know that not all public employment positions are announced by the same bodies. Public workers can work in Local Administrations, in those of the Autonomous Communities or in the General State Administration (AGE). Therefore, in each of the offers we will be sent to a different destination.
The instructions sent by the AGE regarding those they publish are clear: “the request to participate in the selective tests will have to be carried out electronically, using the official Form 790.” To do this, “the candidate must enter it and go to ; Public Work and General Access Point”.