Husond / Wikimedia
Contrary to what many thought, three A25 gantries continue to operate. Exemption between Esposende and Neiva is not sufficient on the A28.
2025 brought the fim of payment of tolls em ex-SHIELD.
We remind you, once again, of the list: A13 and A13-1 (Pinhal Interior), A22 (Algarve), A25 (Beiras Litoral and Alta), A23 (Beira Interior), A4 (Transmontana and Túnel do Marão) A24 (Interior Norte) and A28 (between Esposende-Antas and between Neiva-Darque). All now have deactivated gantries.
But the list has led to some confusion; and the application of the exemptions confirmed the confusion – ea indignation. Especially on the A28 and A25.
We start further north, in A28. The drivers stopped paying when passing by Neiva e Esposende; and the movement Naturally…No to Tolls on the A28 was satisfied with the end of payment in these two ports.
But this civic movement will continue to reiterate the end of tolls on the entire A28: “For our movement, the objective has been achieved. However, we continue to claim the elimination of tolls on the entire A28 because we consider it to be a total injustice,” said spokesperson Jorge Passos.
“The A28 was an appropriation of the Complementary Itinerary (IC1), built in 1989/1991, by the last government of Prime Minister Cavaco Silva, paid for with community funds. The application of tolls constituted a punishment and severely harmed this territory of Viana do Castelo and the entire Alto Minho”, he stressed.
Jorge acha that to Estrada Nacional (EN) 13 “is not at all an alternativeas has been proven.”
Me on A25, There are also points that continue to be paid: Esgueira-Aveiro Nascente, Estádio-Angeja and Angeja-Albergariaincluded in the “Silver Coast Concession”. In other words, everything closer to the coast.
The mayor of Aveiro is against it and assured, to , that he will fight for there to be no tolls anywhere on the A25.
The Left Bloc delivered this Monday a bill to eliminate the three gateways on the A25 where people continue to pay.
Meanwhile, one has emerged that calls for the immediate elimination of these resistant tolls. It was drawn up by residents and workers in the A25 region and has more than 10,000 signatures until now.
The document highlights that the Lei No. 37/2024, which provides for the end of tolls, “unequivocally establishes the elimination of tolls on the entire A25, without exceptions“.
At stake are 30 cents when passing through Esgueira – Aveiro Nascente, 45 cents through Stadium – Angeja and 15 cents through Angeja – Albergaria.