Alphatrader was developed by financial analysis house Empiricus Research and will be launched soon
An alternative pointed out by experts for those who want to earn more money in 2025 is to acquire cryptocurrencies. This year, the digital asset market promises great gains in the coming months thanks to the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States:
Source: Exame
However, it is a fact that not all Brazilians have the time or knowledge to operate. With this in mind, the technology front at Empiricus Research, the largest independent financial analysis house in Brazil, created a solution. It is a robot capable of automatically buying and selling cryptocurrencies for its users. It’s called and will be made available to anyone interested in generating extra income soon.
How does the Alphatrader robot work?
Alpha Trader was designed for a single purpose: seek to generate extra income in your users’ accounts with just one click per operation. Using the robot, you can fetch R$100, R$200, R$300 every day… there are no limits. It all depends on market conditions.
It works like this:
- You access the Alpha Trader from your cell phone or computer;
- Click Start.
Ready. That’s all the work you need to do to .
From then on, the artificial intelligence The robot will search thousands of possible operations in the crypto market. As soon as she finds the best one, she goes in — the same goes for when she leaves. All this, automatically. Without you having to spend hours in front of screens analyzing graphs.
It is important to know that Alpha Trader does not get all operations right. This is impossible. There are days when the robot will make mistakes in operations. However, you don’t need to worry about that. The important thing is that, according to the tests, on average, . And, mainly, Your successes are potentially greater than your mistakes.
This is how thousands of Brazilians will be able to achieve extra daily income in 2025. With just one click per operation, they will have the freedom to continue with their routines as normal. The big difference is having a tireless “collaborator”, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to boost your income.
It is not necessary to meet any prerequisites to start using the robot – apart from having a cell phone with internet access, of course. Unlike other extra income options, Alpha Trader does not require a degree, certifications or dedicated hours in front of a screen. While many Brazilians celebrate the increase in the minimum wage from R$1,412 to R$1,518 — an increase of R$106 —, Alpha Trader allows .
It is not necessary (nor recommended) to leave your current job to include the robot in your routine. Alpha Trader was designed exactly to be an income supplement. Precisely for this reason, it is recommended to start by putting in a little money, one that does not compromise your budget or your emergency reserve. After all, this is an investment that includes risks. Over time, it is possible to increase your contributions gradually, which also increases your earning potential.
Alpha Trader is the first 100% automated trading robot developed by Empiricus Research — the largest independent financial analysis house in the country. Participating in the robot launch is simple and quick. Enough or the button at the end of this article to make your free registration.
This is the opportunity to seek a automated extra income with cryptocurrencies in your daily life in 2025. Imagine earning money not only while you sleep, but also while training at the gym, taking your children to school or enjoying a trip anywhere in the world. If your goal is to make money work for you in a practical way, click the button below and see how this can be achieved soon: