The Manaudou family is a true blessing for French swimming since Laure and Florent Manaudou have brought home numerous Olympic medals. Older than her brother, she was the first to break out during the Athens Olympic Games in 2004 and although her career was short, she still collected three Olympic medals, one in gold, one in silver and one in bronze. For his part, has experienced a meteoric rise but with a gold medal during his first Games in London and after very good performances in Paris last summer, his number of medals stands at 6.
A brother and sister who have always displayed a very good bond, even if it was a few months ago on the set of C to you. “She made me suffer too”, he replied about the former swimmer, mother of 3 children and who separated last year. This Friday, January 10, the two athletes agreed to give a cross interview to Parisian Weekend in which they do not avoid any subject and even the most complicated ones. It is notably a question of one of the hardest moments of the ex-swimmer’s life, in 2007, when one of her former companions disclosed numerous intimate photos of her on the Web without her consent.
Florent Manaudou protected during this complicated period
A necessarily difficult moment for the one whose , but to hear it, she did not seek to have the support of her brother during this period. “I didn’t look for it. When the photos came out I was competing in a competition with Nico, who was my coach. I didn’t talk about it with him, nor with Florent, nor with our parents, because I thought I was embarrassing them. I took refuge at home, alone and I closed myself off from the world”explains the Olympic champion.
A withdrawal into herself which allowed her ex to get through it. For his part, Florent Manaudou confides that he was not more affected than that, but that he would have had a very different reaction than that of his sister. “We never talked about it togetherperhaps so as not to rub salt in the wound… Actually, I don’t really remember it. At the time I was 17, in high school, and I must have been quite protected by my friends because I don’t think I suffered from it. If this had happened to me, I would have gone to the ex in question, and that would not have been the right reaction. But the celebrity press runs after my sister more than after me, because I don’t have the same notoriety”assures the one who is, before concluding: “Laure is a star who goes beyond swimming.”