Digestive problemsWhether too high blood sugar levels are common problems. They are often associated with extra kilos. If you want to take care of your body in the new year, it is worth taking a closer look at what you eat and drink. You can use natural methods to support your body, which will work perfectly here elderberry juice.
Drinking elderberry juice has a beneficial effect on the intestines, supporting its microbiomeby increasing the bacteria that have a beneficial effect on them and removing the harmful ones. Intestinal health is responsible, among other things, for the proper absorption of nutrients, functioning and immunity of the body, which is why it is so important to take care of it.
Additionally elderberry fruits are a rich source of substances with antioxidant propertiesamong other things, help neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Relationships like anthocyanins reduce the risk of metabolic diseases and also contribute to maintaining proper body weight.
Elderberry juice helps maintain normal blood sugar levelsthereby reducing the risk of diabetes and insulin resistance. It is attributed to him also supports fat burningthanks to which it improves the weight loss process. A study conducted at Washington State University on the consumption of elderberry juice is described. It stated that drinking elderberry juice for seven days had a positive effect on the intestinal microbiota and had a positive effect on blood glucose homeostasis and fat oxidation. The experiment was conducted on a group of 18 overweight adults, participants consumed 340 ml of elderberry juice or a placebo drink per day. At the same time, a standardized menu was introduced.
It’s worth remembering that Slimming treatments, especially for other health problems, are best performed under the supervision of a dietitian or doctor. It should also be added that if you decide to supplement your body with elderberry juice, be sure to choose one without additional sweeteners, dyes and preservatives.
Elderberry It is a plant that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries; both flowers and fruits have health-promoting properties. In elderberry juice they are found between other vitamins Awhich supports eye health; B vitaminswhich have a beneficial effect on, among others, the circulatory and nervous systems, as well as vitamin Chas antioxidant properties and supports immunity. There is no shortage here as well minerals, potassium, which lowers too high blood pressure, calcium and phosphorus, strengthening bones, or magnesiumwhich supports the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems.
Sok from elderberries it is recommended especially in winter, when we suffer from colds more often, because has bactericidal and antiviral effects. It helps especially on upper respiratory tract infections. This drink also has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves intestinal peristalsis, and is even said to have a laxative effect. It has diuretic propertiesthus supporting the removal of toxins from the body and preventing swelling. Drinking juice from these fruits is also recommended for people who want to take care of their circulatory system, including the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels.
Contraindications to the use of elderberry juice include pregnancy, breastfeeding, food allergies, and the use of medications that lower blood pressure.
Sources: rybzdrowie.pl, mdpi.com, Terazgotuje.pl