Good luck ritual for January 13. Do it now for good luck all year round
Good luck rituals are simple forms of fun that are intended to ensure future prosperity. They often come from ancient times, when people believed much more in the good or evil power of spirits. Many of them are based on attraction. In January, it is worth focusing on celebrating good emotions and internal planning to make your dreams come true. This simple ritual for good luck in 2025 will attract you with positive energy and drive away bad luck.
This particular ritual must be performed on January 13, Monday, exactly. On this day (or more precisely, this night) it falls. This is the first full moon of the year and it is of great importance. Its energy can affect you all year round. Astrologers argue that the full moon is a special event. It has enormous power. In 2025, the Full Wolf Moon falls on the night of January 13-14. Astrologically, it falls in the sign of Cancer, which makes it unique. Zodiac Cancer is the power of emotions and feelings. This means that all rituals performed there will focus on relationships between people and emotions.
Good luck ritual for the Full Wolf Moon
Exactly on the evening of January 13, perform this ritual and you will attract powerfully happy power to yourself. This ritual is based on the magical power of mint and a green candle. Both of these things have very positive energy. . The green color symbolizes financial success and stability. Prepare twelve fresh mint leaves and put them one by one into a cup of hot water. With each letter, say the phrase “May January be prosperous and happy,” changing the name of the month each time. Light candles and focus on positive energy. Let your thoughts be positive. Meditate like this for several minutes and then extinguish the candle.