The Paraná Civil Police (PCPR) concluded that Vanessa Aparecida Mayer, aged 30, was murdered by her ex-husband. The woman went to Palmeira, in Campos Gerais do Paraná, last Tuesday (7). Silvio Joel dos Santos, 32 years old, died in an accident in the early hours of Monday (6).
According to PCPR delegate, Rodrigo Siqueira, the last time the woman was seen was on Sunday night (5). After catching a ride in an app car from Ponta Grossa to Palmeira, the girl met up with her ex-husband.
“With the support of statements and images from security cameras, it was found that the victim had left a friend’s apartment on Sunday and had taken a ride to the Palmeira bus station. There, she met the driver of the vehicle, who drove her around the city”, informed delegate Rodrigo Oliveira, from PCPR.
“With the support of statements and images from security cameras, it was found that the victim had left a friend’s apartment on Sunday and had taken a ride to the Palmeira bus station. There, she met the driver of the vehicle, who drove her around the city”, informed delegate Rodrigo Oliveira, from PCPR.
Security cameras caught the two together in a vehicle on Sunday afternoon (5). At around 11:15 pm, the ex-husband, who was driving the car, headed towards Quero Quero road, where Vanessa’s body was later found.
In the early hours of Monday (6), Vanessa’s ex-partner was involved in an accident on BR-277 and died at the scene. “The investigation also revealed that, at around 3:30 am on Monday (6), the man collided his vehicle against a truck, which is being investigated as a possible suicidal act. At the scene of the accident, Vanessa’s documents and a t-shirt belonging to the suspect with blood stains were found”, added the delegate.
Vanessa’s death in Palmeira
According to PCPR, at first the hypothesis is that Vanessa, 32 years old, ex-husband of the victim, who died in a traffic accident in the early hours of Monday (6), the suspicion is that he caused the accident after committing the crime.
“We still don’t have concrete elements to say, with certainty, that it was he who committed murder, feminicide in this case, and then committed suicide. However, it is one of the investigative lines”, said the delegate.
Vanessa’s body was sent to the Legal Medical Institute (IML) where it must undergo tests to determine the cause of death. The.
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