Sansevieria is also called snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue. It is currently very popular, resulting not only from its appearance, but also from the ease of cultivation. However, sometimes it stops growing or wastes away. Then it is worth reaching for a certain product from the kitchen and preparing a home-made conditioner. Find out how to make it.
Sansevieria, like most succulents, does not have excessive care requirements. However, we must take care of several aspects so that our plant can grow healthily and luxuriantly. First of all, you need to provide it with a pot of the right size. At the moment when we notice that our plant stops growing, we should transplant it to a larger container.
The type of surface we place it in is also important. Sansevieria thrives best in a mixture of sand and succulent soil. Additionally, it is worth placing expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. After taking care of the inside of the container, you should also decide where you will place your plant.
Sansevieria thrives in a place where it has access to sunlight. This does not mean, however, that it cannot cope in partial shade. It will also grow luxuriantly there, but the lack of sufficient light may prevent it from developing nice colors in the way typical of the plant.
In addition, we also need to take care of: proper watering of the specimen. In this case, it is better to overdry the plant than to overwater it. Sansevieria in summer it should be watered once every two weeks, while in the remaining months of the year it is enough to feed it with water every three weeks.
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Typically, when caring for Sansevieria, there is no need to fertilize the plant. However, it sometimes happens that the specimen stops growing, which may be the result of care errors. Fortunately, we can easily stop the growth inhibition of sansevieria by preparing a homemade conditionerwhich will save our plant and make it develop even better than before.
For this purpose, we need to use garlic. Thanks to the content of iron, magnesium, chromium, potassium and selenium, we will strengthen effectively our sansevieria. All you need to do is press three cloves of fresh garlic through a press and then put them in a glass container with 1 liter of warm water. Cover the mixture and leave it for 5 days.
After this time, strain the solution and dilute it in 1:1 proportions. We can use the sansevieria conditioner prepared in this way every 20 days. If you notice the development of new leaves, stop fertilizing.