The axis of the Lunar Nodes changes sign. Starting on January 29, the Nodes of destiny will move to the Pisces-Virgo axis, where they will remain until 2026. During this period we will be guided to find a balance between reason and intuition, to dedicate ourselves to activities that bring us inner peace and to connect more deeply with what is truly important to us.
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Anastasia, a well-known international astrologer, tells how the signs will be affected by this transit.
“For you, the South Node will enter the sixth house, and the North Node leaves the first house and goes to the twelfth house. So there will be a polarity between your physical and mental health. The South Node in the sixth house represents an important change and a letting go of hypochondria. You will think more about how your thoughts affect your mental and physical health. So, you have the chance to clean up your everyday life, to take a closer look at your habits that are not good for you. You can let go of negative habits or patterns that hurt you or hold you back. Some natives can also give up certain jobs that no longer suit them, because the sixth house also discusses work, not just health. From a working bee, you can turn into a free one”, says the astrologer, according to
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The natives of this sign have a huge chance of healing and leaving negative things behind. This transit can change you a lot in the next year and a half. With the North Node in the Twelfth House, you will be much more connected to your own spirituality. You will focus more on your need for peace, for rest.
The Lunar Nodes move on the Pisces-Virgo Axis. MAJOR changes for the two star signs
“The South Node moves into the twelfth house, and the North Node into the sixth house. You can think carefully about what changes took place in your life between 2006 and 2007 or 1987-1989. Therefore, both physical and mental health are targeted. The South Node in the twelfth house will encourage you to look more closely at your self-defensive tendencies, to become more honest about your controlling tendencies. Maybe you’re always overthinking, worrying more than you should, or being critical of yourself. This transit helps you put these negative things aside and realize that they are harming you both physically and mentally.
For you, the Sixth House represents Pisces, so you are affected by everything related to your moods, emotions, relationships. Some natives may move in the next year and a half. With the North Node in the Sixth House, you may feel the need to close certain chapters at work. In order to have better health on all levels, it will be necessary to give up something or work less”. says the astrologer, according to the quoted source.
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