Unusual hair growth: Hypertrichosis is most common in humans but also affects dogs. Syndrome can kill.
A hypertrichosis, or “werewolf syndrome”and the excessive hair growth in various parts of the body.
It is a condition that may be present from birth; or can be acquired after consuming medicines… or bones.
The syndrome rarely appears in dogs – who also experience abnormal hair growth, which can be localized or generalized.
It’s rare but it’s spread across Europe.
The warning came a few days ago, in one from the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.
The Dutch entity warns that two types of bones from the Barkoo brand can cause “werewolf syndrome” in dogs.
“These chewing bones are the suspected cause of serious neurological abnormalities in dogs,” says the statement, which however points out that the cases are being investigated.
The authority reinforces: hypertrichosis can kill dogs.
According to , there is Confirmed cases in various European countries such as Germany, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
In Groningen (Netherlands) there have been dogs that were even euthanized, because we will be affected by this syndrome.
Many Dutch veterinarians are already aware of this situation. Researchers suspect that the bones and some snacks and toothpicks were contaminated with mycotoxins during its production.