Just 3 tablespoons of this will whiten curtains like professional bleach. How to wash curtains
Have you ever wondered how much dirt collects on your . It turns out that a lot. Without a doubt, curtains are the biggest collectors of dust and mites in the entire apartment. More and more people are giving up curtains on their windows. This is not always a good solution. Curtains make the room cozier and prevent neighbors from spying on us. However, it is very important to wash curtains regularly. They should be washed at least once every three months, and even more often in apartments with allergy sufferers and small children. For washing curtains at home, we recommend using vinegar or baking soda. However, my grandmother had her own way. He was told to her by a seller at the bazaar many years ago. It turns out that a combination of citric acid and ordinary table salt will work great. These two ingredients will remove dirt from curtains and gently whiten them. Just pour 2 tablespoons of citric acid and 1 tablespoon of table salt directly into the washing machine drum. Citric acid is great for cleaning fabrics and removing the worst dirt. Table salt will take care of the color and make the curtains regain their former whiteness.
I pour 1 package into water and soak the curtains. A way to remove grease stains
are often covered in grease. This type of dirt is difficult to choose, but once again home remedies come to the rescue. In the case of greasy stains on curtains, soaking them in baking powder or flour will work great. Pour one package of baking powder into 5 liters of water and soak the curtains in this bath. Baking powder will remove rust stains and greasy coating. My grandmother used flour instead of baking powder. Just sprinkle heavily soiled curtains with flour and leave for a few hours. After that, sometimes wash the curtains as you normally do.