Geraniums are unrivaled in terms of popularity among decorative potted plants on Polish balconies and terraces. They bloom wonderfully in spring and summer. They delight with their beauty for years, and their cultivation is not complicated.
However, in order for them to be profusely covered with flowers at the beginning of May, you need to start waking them up from sleep at the end of winter. If you want to make your neighborhood neighbors jealous, spend some time caring for geraniums in January. Don’t forget to do a few things now and they will be properly prepared for the new season.
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At the turn of January and February, geraniums should slowly start to wake up from hibernation. Thanks to this, they will bloom profusely at the beginning of May. It’s not difficult, however you need to remember a few things.
First of all, you should move the pots with plants to a warmer room or turn up the temperature (e.g. in the garage where they were stored) to gradually introduce conditions favorable to its growth and development. Provide flowers with approximately 15-17 degrees Celsius. No more, so as not to overwhelm them.
Don’t forget that geraniums need a bright position, so the room they will be in should be well lit. It is best to place them on a windowsill with access to daylight (you can also use lamps to illuminate the plants).
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The most important rule for wintering geraniums is that the colder it is, the less it should be watered. When you start preparing the plant for the new season, you also need to increase the frequency of watering it. However, do not overdo it so that the flower does not rot or get sick.
In March, the geranium should start to sprout new shoots and then it will be a good time to fertilize it and cut off the ends of the that it grows luxuriantly. At the end of April, you can transplant the geranium to its final location – into a larger pot or outdoors