Even regular cleaning can cause limescale to build up on joints. Of course, it is known that regular cleaning will help to quickly get rid of this problem, but if we neglect this matter, deposits can stay in the bathroom longer. We don’t have to immediately reach for strong cleaning products, but we can use home remedies. What should you think about so that the grout in the kitchen or bathroom is clean again? Let’s find out.
Go to the pantry and take from the cupboard. Dissolves limescale in joints
Do you have limescale in the joints of the wall or floor in the bathroom? Simply reach for alcohol vinegar, which can literally dissolve impurities.
- Dip a sponge in the vinegar and rub the joints with it.
- If this does not help, the joints must be scrubbed with a sponge or a special brush or an old toothbrush.
Then the grout between the tiles will be perfectly clean.
Soda? Yes, but only in this combination
Baking soda is a well-known cleaning agent and can also handle dirty grout.
- To increase its effect, it must be combined with a little water and gray soap.
Fragrance? It helps to deal with limescale
If you don’t have baking soda handy and don’t like the sharp smell of vinegar, there is always an alternative. A good idea is to use lemon:
- You can apply the juice directly to the grout or you can take half of the fruit and directly wipe the dirty areas with it.
- If you don’t have a lemon, you can also use store-bought lemon juice or citric acid – just dissolve it in a little warm water, mix it thoroughly and apply it to the dirty grout and finally scrub it off.
Restore the whiteness of your grout
Grout will turn gray over time and this is a natural process. However, this does not mean that their natural whiteness cannot be restored with natural means.
- Just reach for hydrogen peroxide, which also has a disinfecting effect.
- Unfortunately, its consistency will not always work on the joints, so you can also use whitening toothpaste.
Does the bathroom smell? This is how you get rid of this annoying problem