@manjos / X
After 15 thousand people demonstrated against this moment, a (small) survey reveals that more than half think it’s okay.
From the day the unusual police operation in , which placed dozens of people against the wall, was reported, it soon became clear that there had been divided opinions among the Portuguese.
The difference between politicians was more media-driven. The left (and the Liberal Initiative) did not like seeing that moment; PSD, CDS and Chega applaud police action.
But among the “anonymous” Portuguese there also seems to be a clear divergence of opinions.
This Saturday, there was a protest against this action by the PSP. Around 15,000 people will have participated; all against.
At the same time, another demonstration took place, this one for Chega and with the opposite intention: to protect the police and “put all (the criminals) against the wall”. This call only brought together around 400 people.
But, a few hours later, a survey by Pitagorica was published for TSF-JN-TVI-CNN Portugal, which shows that 57% of respondents think it’s correct that police operation. 25% completely agree (mostly middle-aged and right-wing men), 32% agree.
Just 27% disagree. 16% totally disagree, 11% disagree. 14% remain undecided on the answer.
And the vast majority Don’t you think that operation was racist?. Only 20% agree with a “racist act” at that moment. 36% completely disagree.
This survey addressed 400 people. In the middle, it is said that a survey with a sample of less than 1,000 people, in Portugal, is not very significant.