The well-known astrologer Cristina Demetrescu recently spoke about how Mars and Pluto will affect our lives. At the same time, she also referred to the presidential elections to be held this spring. According to Cristina, we will be marked by a chaotic retrograde of Mars, which will interact three times with Pluto. This interval will come with challenges but also with great dangers in many corners of the world.
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Cristina Demetrescu, about the worrying effects of Mars
According to Cristina Demetrescu, until June 17, 2025, Mars moves through Cancer and Leo, being retrograde until February 23. That can bring earthquakes, plane crashes, riots, terrorist attacks and more. At the same time, the well-known astrologer also emphasized the importance of the presidential elections.
“Next elections scheduled for May 4 and 18. is it good It’s good that we are slightly past the critical date, and Mars and Pluto are starting to say goodbye. It is not good that the Moon from the first, to the second round, makes a journey of 14 days starting from the conjunction with Mars in Leo, until the conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius. We can’t get rid of these two,” she said.
“As retrograde Mars has returned to Cancer, here’s another sinister extreme. Where the rains did not stop during his last adventure in Valencia and Barcelona, he is now stingy with water, making it impossible to put out the fires that the specialists explained perfectly, but not completely. When Hell comes to earth, and we can point the finger at Pluto, the God of Hell, who, by changing his throne from Capricorn to Aquarius, kept the world dead and the balance of this beautiful but vulnerable world no longer stands a chance.
Cancer rules the houses destroyed by Mars, Capricorn the earth that slipped under the force of the storms, Aquarius the air that ignited the flames, as for Leo with his fire, what else can I say? Much has been gathered that Mars and Pluto have disrupted in their recent conflict, and there are others that terrify. The list is long and I don’t want to derail from the topic.
I can only say that earthquakes, plane crashes, riots, terrorist attacks, terrible news about violent children and child victims or heart attacks that have brought unexpected deaths, are among the effects and will continue to be. The period September 5 – June 17, when Mars is in a chaotic walk through Cancer and Leo, retrograde until February 23, making 3 oppositions with Pluto, is complicated. Every corner of the world with its troubles.
That’s what I thought, that we avoided disasters, although Mars in Leo (Leo rules casinos) at the end of 2024 was a gambler who played a card at cacialma in Romania. The stakes were high, the money dirty. When Mars retrograded on December 6 (remember), the cheater was exposed,” added the well-known astrologer.
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