“The Court’s decision has been fulfilled and that’s it,” said the acting mayor of Rio Branco, Alysson Bestene, in an interview with ContilNetthis Saturday afternoon (11). The statement was in response to the court order that prevents the municipal Executive from ceasing to provide food to the homeless population through the Specialized Reference Center for Homeless People (POP Center).
Acting Mayor, Alysson Bestene/Photo: Reproduction
The decision, issued this Saturday, was issued by judge Zenair Bueno, from the 2nd Public Finance Court of the District of Rio Branco (AC), following a request presented by prosecutor Thales Ferreira, from the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Defense of Human Rights of the Public Ministry of Acre ( MPAC).
The action was motivated by statements from the new municipal secretary of Social Assistance and Human Rights (SASDH), João Marcos Luz, who had stated that Rio Branco City Hall had no obligation to provide meals to homeless people.
João Marcos Luz. Photo: Gustavo Monteiro/ContilNet
Alysson Bestene informed that she will discuss the decision in a meeting scheduled for Monday (13) with secretary João Marcos Luz and representatives of the Municipal Attorney General’s Office (PGM).
“The fact is: the court’s decision is fulfilled and that’s it. But we will meet on Monday to calmly assess the situation, together with the secretary and the PGM. If it is necessary to appeal in some way, we will do so, always respecting what is legal”, said Bestene.
The acting mayor also highlighted that the guidance of Mayor Tião Bocalom, who is on vacation, is to “take care of people”.
“The guidance we have from the mayor is to take care of people, which includes the homeless population: providing food and doing what is necessary for services to function properly,” he added.
MPAC asks for other measures
In the same public civil action that deals with food, prosecutor Thales Ferreira argues that the municipal Executive has failed to comply with national public policies aimed at serving homeless people. MPAC asked the Court to force City Hall to comply with a series of measures, under penalty of a fine of R$10 million.
Among MPAC’s allegations are:
- The absence of long-term social assistance services for homeless people;
- The lack of popular restaurants to ensure food and nutritional security;
- The lack of a municipal plan aimed at serving this population.
Furthermore, MPAC pointed out the precariousness of the POP Center’s structure, as well as the absence of:
- Public bathrooms, drinking fountains and social laundry facilities easily accessible;
- Housing programs, such as social rent and places for temporary housing;
- Therapeutic residence services (SRT) and reception units (UA), considered essential in the psychosocial care network.
According to the action, these structural flaws “make it impossible for homeless people to exercise fundamental social rights” and compromise the effectiveness of the National Social Assistance Policy.