(dr) Envato Elements
Between figuring out what the game needs, research and design, artistic production, construction, launch and salaries, the process isn’t cheap.
It is very likely that many ZAP readers play a lot video games. But it’s also very likely that you’ve never thought about production costs. Did you think about how much it costs to buy the game; but you never thought about how much does it cost to create the game.
We can already say: it costs a lot. In many games, the production cost is really high.
The topic was picked up this week by , which actually asks why there are so many games that cost so much to create. And he points out a main reason, but not the only one: the graphic quality, the graphics.
The presents a list of the 5 essential points in building a video game – and how much each one costs, on average.
The first step is understand what the game needs. It costs approximately between 1,000 and 4,500 euros, taking between three days and two weeks. In addition to elaborating on what the game should be about, other similar games are also analyzed.
The second step is to research and “draw” the game. Costs start at almost 3,000 euros and can reach 24,000 euros. The plans of the game’s appearance and its functionality are in depth; it could take two weeks or three months.
Then, go to artistic production and design. It usually costs from almost 10,000 euros and can reach 39,000 euros. It can take either a month and a half or five months. It is the creation of the game’s art, the appearance of the characters and the environment, the scenarios; start making the game feel real.
The fourth step is to construction of the game itself. Between 24,000 euros and 240,000 euros. It is the “heavy part” of the process. This is where you actually create games and ensure – or try – that everything works flawlessly. It takes three months… or two years.
Finally, of course, the launch. The costs are between approximately 2,000 and 5,000 euros – plus any fees to place the game in stores.
After all, to create a game, on average, the minimum cost is 40,000 euros, but the maximum costs almost 350,000 euros.
This is in relation to the game itself. But you have to pay salaries, Of course. For programmers, designers, 3D designers, animators, or quality assurance professionals.
With all this, creating a game costs on average almost 5 million euros. And a AAA game (higher quality, bigger budget, bigger promotion) comes close to… 1 billion euros.
Detail: the first video game can make zero profit. It’s the most likely thing to happen.