David Abrantes/Flickr
University of Coimbra
The city of Coimbra is on the list of “52 places to go in 2025” chosen by the North American newspaper The New York Timesas an alternative place, to escape “the crowds” of Lisbon and Porto.
Coimbra has more charmwhen the premise is “escaping the crowds”.
What is still considered, in other discussions, to be part of the list of “52 places to go in 2025” prepared by The New York Times.
annual list of favorite destinations to visit in the new year, the city of Mondego comes in 11th place, described as “a bastion of tradition” that is gaining “a new style”.
In the text that accompanies a photograph of the traditional Santa Cruz Coffee It is mentioned that this establishment – described as elegant – is still frequented by students from the university, founded in 1290, to have a drink expresseat an egg and almond sweet and, dressed in black capes, “singing fado to the sound of 12-string guitars.”
But a new style is emerging in this “bastion of tradition”through new spaces to purchase 1940s dresses, get a tattoo or eat a vegetarian meal (Coola Boola CoLab).
Furthermore, the New York Times recommends staying the night in a renovated two-bedroom hotel with “dazzling views” (Alto Canto), or practice activities in a forest space close to an old royal hunting lodge (Malcata Eco Experience).
The North American newspaper also alludes to the Aristides Sousa Mendes Museumin the more distant Cabanas de Viriato, which tells the story of the Portuguese consul in Bordeaux, France, who issued tens of thousands of visas to Jews fleeing Hitler.
However, starting this Monday, anyone who wants to visit this “bastion of tradition” You will no longer be able to travel by train between the traditional stations Coimbra (also known as Estação Nova) and Coimbra B.
The Coimbra Railway Station was closed, precisely, this Sunday, so that the works rail channel conversion solution Metrobus.
Coimbra in an honorable 11th place
“Lisbon and Porto may be buzzing, but Coimbra, the medieval city full of soul on the Mondego river, in central Portugal, has been spared from the crowds”, can be read at the beginning of the
52 Places to Go in 2025, The New York Times
The list opens with Jane Austen’s England, followed by the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), museums in New York City (USA), Assam (India), ‘White Lotus’ (Thailand), Greenland (Denmark), Aix-en- Provence (France), ‘Sun Valley’ (Idaho), Lumbini (Nepal) and Sydney (Australia).
Angola is cited in 12th place, for its undiscovered tropical beaches, sacred waterfalls and national parks, with the advantage that US travelers can now enter the Portuguese-speaking country without a visa for stays of up to 30 days.
Four dozen more destinations follow, including Bukhara (Uzbekistan), Canfranc (Spain), Benin City (Nigeria), New Orleans (USA), Toyama (Japan), French Basque Country, Kilifi (Kenya), Rota Cycling Division of Sicily (Italy), Ollataytambo (Peru) and Bulgaria, as well as the Spanish mountain of Montserrat and the island of Montserrat, in the Caribbean.