Do you use kitchen towels every day, but do you know how often you should wash them? Scientists have just revealed an alarming finding – common kitchen towels contain more bacteria than a toilet seat! We bring you a complete guide on how to properly take care of cleanliness in the kitchen and protect the health of the whole family from dangerous microbes.

An invisible danger lurks in your kitchen

Kitchen towels represent the basic equipment of every household. We use them daily for many activities – from wiping the dishes to cleaning the worktop. It is this versatility that makes them an ideal environment for the reproduction of dangerous microorganisms. Scientists have found that a common kitchen towel can contain up to 100,000 bacteria per square centimeter!

The most dangerous microorganisms include:

  • E.coli – causes serious stomach problems
  • Salmonella – causes food poisoning
  • Staphylococci – can cause skin infections
  • Molds and yeasts – endanger the respiratory tract
  • Mites – cause allergies

Revolutionary washing system: A combination of modern and traditional

Hygiene experts recommend washing kitchen towels at least once a week. With intensive use, even every three days. The most effective method is a combination of the traditional methods of our grandmothers with modern procedures:

1. Preliminary preparation:

  • Soak the towels in hot water
  • Add a tablespoon of baking soda
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes

2. Cooking:

  • Rinse the towels with clean water
  • Add a spoonful of dish soap
  • Cook for 15-20 minutes on low heat
  • Stir regularly with a wooden spoon

3. Final washing:

  • Wash in the washing machine at 60°C
  • Use a high-quality detergent
  • Add vinegar instead of fabric softener
  • Select a program for intensive soiling

Revolutionary tips for perfect hygiene

To keep your towels really clean and safe, follow these rules:

1. Multi-wipe system:

  • Special dish towels
  • Separate for wiping hands
  • Especially for cleaning the worktop
  • Color resolution for different purposes

2. Proper drying:

  • Never fold wet towels
  • Dry in direct sunlight
  • Ensure sufficient air circulation
  • Change the towels regularly

3. Storage:

  • Store in a dry and ventilated place
  • Never mix clean with used
  • Replace with new ones every 3-4 months
  • Check for signs of wear

Do not use paper towels for this. You can only make it worse