Singer Zezé di Camargo, 62 years old, detailed this Sunday (12) how the “painful” procedure he underwent to have another child was, even after a vasectomy, a permanent surgical procedure for male sterilization. He had to go through a “painful” process to extract the sperm and presenter Luciano Huck did not hide his “inconvenience” when listening to the live report.
Zezé di Camargo details how he had a son after a vasectomy and Huck reacts. Photo: Reproduction
“I have had a vasectomy for many years, so I had to have a puncture”, revealed the artist on the program “Domingão com Huck”, on Globo. “Look, I did it like that in the dressing room that time he told me,” said Huck, making a facial expression of pain.
Zezé revealed that he had to do two punctures, because the first one didn’t work. “That’s love, huh? To Graci. That’s true love. Oh, how wonderful,” said Huck. “I had to do two, because the first one didn’t work. All the…” continued Zezé, which made Huck laugh. “All the people who could come”, added Manu Bahtidão, who also participated in the Sunday attraction. Luciano Huck burst into laughter. “This matter, my God in heaven. I’m sweating… forget it, you don’t need to tell me”, joked the presenter.
The countryman ignored Huck’s request and continued with the story. “Then the doctor said: oh, we’re going to have to do one more (puncture). But we’re going to have to do this deeper. Then I said: wow”, he said. “Wow, then it poked me deep inside. That’s when the pain really came. My God in heaven. Do you swear?!”, commented Manu Bahtidão.
“Take a needle, pick one of the two… there are two (testicles). Stick the needle all the way down and pull it out with the syringe”, described Wanessa Camargo’s father. “My father in heaven”, reacted Luciano Huck. “Oh, how sweaty”, he added. Dona Déa was also visibly uncomfortable.
“With anesthesia or without anesthesia?” asked Livia Andrade. “At the time we don’t feel it because we’re anesthetized, but for about a week I walked like that”, said Zezé, who staggered across the “Domingão” stage. “Sex, then, no way,” highlighted Zezé.
How ‘painful’ is the procedure that Zezé Di Camargo underwent to become a father?
Graciele Lacerda, 44, gave birth to Clara, her first daughter with Zezé Di Camargo, 62. The couple underwent fertility treatment that lasted four years to realize their dream of having a child. As Zezé had undergone a vasectomy, he had to undergo a “painful” process to extract sperm.
Zezé and his wife, Graciele Lacerda. Photo: Reproduction
Graciele’s pregnancy was the result of in vitro fertilization (IVF), a procedure that induces a woman to superovulate, allowing eggs and semen to be collected for fertilization in the laboratory.
For vasectomized men, like Zezé, there are two ways of obtaining sperm: reversing the vasectomy, through surgery, or direct collection for use in IVF, which was the alternative chosen by the couple.
Once collected, the gametes are taken to the laboratory and each egg is fertilized there by a sperm.