Miguel A. Lopes / Lusa
Former Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Carlos Costa Neves
Carlos Costa Neves will have a lower income as Secretary General of the Government than he had as a retiree, says Prime Minister Luís Montenegro, praising the choice for the new position.
Montenegro took advantage of the inauguration of the Secretary General of the Government, , to highlight “the effort and proof of dedication to the public cause What happens when you come and wear this shirt with personal and financial costs“.
“It really is a case of saying that Carlos Costa Neves, on this occasion, is paying to worksince you will have a lower income in this role than you would have if you weren’t here”, highlighted the prime minister.
The Prime Minister’s office informed that the salary of the new Secretary General of the Government “will be as foreseen under the terms of decree-law nº 43-B/2024, of 2 July”, around the six thousand euros.
To accept the position, Carlos Costa Neves “gives up Social Security and Caixa Geral de Aposentações pensions and from lifetime monthly grant for being a former political office holder”. He was Minister of Agriculture in the Government of Pedro Santana Lopes, and of Parliamentary Affairs in the Government of Passos Coelho.
Carlos Costa Neves was second choice for the position due to the controversy surrounding the appointment of former director of Banco de Portugal Hélder Rosalino.
Rosalino would give up his position three days after being announced after one day that he would have this new role – approximately 15,000 euros per month.