Jairton Silveira Bezerra, now a defendant in the case in which he murdered his ex-partner, will have ten days to present his defense. The motivation for the crime would be non-acceptance of the end of the relationship.
Crime happened in November 2024, in Rio Branco/Photo: Montage
The decision was handed down by judge Alesson Bráz, from the 2nd Court of the Jury and Military Audit Court. Jairton was legally declared a defendant for the murder of Paula Gomes da Costa, aged 33, which occurred in October 2024. The crime took place in the presence of the couple’s daughter, aged 7, in the Alto Alegre region, in Rio Branco.
Jairton Silveira will respond to the criminal case for the crime of homicide with the qualifications of a bad motive, a resource that made the victim’s defense difficult, feminicide, domestic violence and for having committed the crime in the presence of the victim’s descendant — his own daughter, just seven years old .
The complaint, accepted by the Public Ministry of Acre (MP-AC), guarantees the defendant a period of ten days to present his defense, through his lawyer. The magistrate decided to maintain Jairton’s preventive detention, justifying that there are no new facts that make it possible to revoke the measure.
The accused was arrested on November 6, 2024, after presenting himself to the Women’s Police Station, accompanied by his lawyer. According to investigations, he attacked Paula Gomes on a public street, without giving the victim any chance of defense, while she was accompanied by the accused’s daughter and father.
On the day of the crime, Jairton put his daughter in the car and fled at high speed, but later left the child at an aunt’s house.
According to reports, the accused’s father himself stated that his son did not accept the separation and had been frequently persecuting the victim.