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Life in Yakutia
In the coldest inhabited region in the world, people also exercise outdoors — but with lots of coats and even face coverings.
Bundled up from head to toe, the marathon athletes from Oymyakon, a village in Yakutia, Siberia, ran the classic marathon, with a temperature of -52ºC.
Siberia, more specifically Yakutia, in northern Russia is the coldest inhabited place in the worldand temperatures often reach several tens of minus degrees in winter.
As reported by , the marathon runners, who ran on snow, underwent medical examinations before the start of the event.
Alisa Matveevaone of the participants, said the experience was “very scary”, as the coldest temperature she had trained in so far was -20ºC, which she experienced in Moscow.
“It was difficult to run the first 10 kilometers. Afterwards it was easier, because we already know how to breathe, we remember that we have to take the ice out of your eyesbecause they are covered in ice”, he said.
“I am very happy to have used a thermal mask and heated insoleswho saved me”, confesses the runner.
Protected from head to toe, athletes even have head and nose protection. Even so, they tell journalists full of snow on their eyelashes and face.
Instead of fresh water, as usual here, in Siberia people drink hot tea or broth at support stations.
A total of 38 people competed in the marathon (42 km and 195 meters), and in the half-marathon (21 km), which took place last Friday.
The Siberian Marathon has been taking place since 1990. Due to the extreme weather conditions, it is very difficult to compete in this place: according to last year’s winner almost passed out during the route.