The mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), criticized the app transport company 99 after the announcement that the company would start motorcycle activities in the city this Tuesday, 14th, contradicting the emedebista decree that prohibits the service in the capital of São Paulo since 2023. “We are not going to allow this company to come here and cause carnage. They are killers. These companies are murderous and irresponsible companies,” he declared.
“I’m going to put up a banner (showing) that the 99 killed someone in the first accident I have. I, mayor, will put the banner there. This is not a land without an owner, it is not a land of no one”, continued Nunes. “It is irresponsible. I’ve been with them for several meetings. I warned them that they did not have authorization. … We had an increase in the number of traffic deaths, driven by motorcycle accidents.”
The mayor said that he will take legal action against 99 today, so that an inspection and inspection can be carried out on motorcycles registered in the service in the city. “It is in this city that these companies make the highest profits in the world. They already take a lot of money abroad, but their lives will stay here”, said Nunes.
In relation to the mayor’s decree 62.144/23, which temporarily suspended the use of motorcycles for paid individual transport of passengers via apps, 99 argues that this is an unconstitutional act, based on the National Urban Mobility Policy and the permission to applications granted in 2018. Furthermore, he states that he tried to open a dialogue with the City Hall, but was unsuccessful.
“Federal legislation establishes that city halls can regulate and supervise the activity with specific requirements but do not have the power to prohibit it”, says the note from 99. “There are already 20 court decisions confirming this understanding of the legality of the category. The Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided in 2019 that prohibition was impossible, as it was a legitimate activity carried out on a free initiative basis and authorized by the Constitution.”
The company’s 99Moto announcement released to the press details that the service began to be gradually rolled out outside the expanded center from nine o’clock this Tuesday morning. The company’s advisors emphasize that all drivers need to have a license.
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“São Paulo residents have been asking us for 99Moto for some time, and our data shows that 3 out of every 5 people intend to use the service,” said Fabrício Ribeiro, Operations Director at 99.
Cheaper than using traditional vehicles, the first trip by motorcycle, which was made between the Rio Pequeno neighborhood, in the west region, to Osasco Plaza Shopping, a neighboring city – 6.8 kilometers – cost R$10.