On Tuesday, the chairwoman of the Volkswagen Group (VW) employees’ council, Daniela Cavallová, called on the company’s board of directors to urgently submit proposals to reduce their wages following the recently concluded restructuring agreement. TASR informs about it based on the report of the DPA agency.
“I expect that the board of directors will submit an opinion on this to the supervisory board in February at the latest, and that the supervisory board will then decide on it,” said Cavallová.
VW board member for human resources Gunnar Kilian announced last week that the management of the car company will give up a large part of their salaries in order to contribute to the overall reduction of costs within the concern. According to him, the management should contribute a total amount of more than 300 million euros by 2030. He did not specify how many managers are affected by the decision, nor did he quantify the financial contribution of the board of directors. He only stated that it will be “disproportionately” high in relation to the contribution of management and employees.
Shortly before Christmas, the company and the IG Metall trade union, after long negotiations, agreed on a restructuring program that envisages the elimination of 35,000 jobs in Germany by 2030. VW employs a total of approximately 130,000 people in Germany. Cost-cutting programs and the latest wage deal are expected to cut costs by more than €4 billion a year. Of this amount, 1.5 billion euros are for savings on the side of labor costs.