At the Specialized Criminal Court (ŠTS) in Pezinok, the trial of the defendant Róbert Lališ, considered to be the boss of the Bratislava group of síkorovcs, continues in the case of several mafia murders. According to the portal, they also brought Mikuláš Černák on Tuesday.
The former boss of the underworld refused to testify in court, saying that he could bring the danger of prosecution. It’s been 27 years since the deed, and that’s why, according to him, he doesn’t really remember it and is trying to suppress it. The prosecutor therefore proposed to exclude Černák’s statements from the preliminary proceedings.
Róbert Lališ alias Kýbel is considered to be the boss of the Bratislava group of sykorovs. Originally, in 2018, Róbert L. was sentenced to life imprisonment together with another member of the group, Ivan Cupper, nicknamed Vincko. Other persons were also convicted. At the end of March 2024, the Supreme Court canceled Róbert Lališ’s life sentence. He justified his decision by finding a violation of the law to the detriment of the accused. The accused is in custody. He denies the guilt.
The indictment is related to the murders of Eduard and Róbert Diničov, Roman Deák, Alojz Házy, Daler Hlavačka, Miloš Piliar from 1998 and 1999, as well as the crime of founding, organizing and supporting a criminal group.