Singer and model Mishala Orth, known from the show Love Island, continues to reside in Los Angeles, where firefighters are fighting large-scale forest fires. For her own safety, she was forced to leave and found refuge with friends.
The situation in the famous city of angels is extremely serious. The fires are located in different places, and strong winds help them reach homes. Panic arose among the people. “Crazy. People are buying up absolutely everything here and I’m still at it she wanted to buy a veil, but I just can never find a veil,” said the brunette, who had been having trouble breathing for several days, on the social network.
“I woke up this morning and just a friend of mine here in Los Angeles, someone shot him in the face and he’s no longer here with us,” she announced to fans, shocked by the news she received. She even had to introduce him to her followers in one of her old videos.
“Really, what’s happening here is still blow after blow,” she remarked sadly. “It’s still burning here, we can’t put it out. The wind is here….and another tornado is coming. I’m really nervous about what it’s going to do because it’s hell and I just don’t give it anymore” the beauty confided in her supporters.
“Anyway, that’s the forecast now, 98 percent chance that an earthquake will come in the next 50 hours. I’m in a huge skyscraper, so I should be fine, but I don’t know at all. I have no experience with it.” the ex-marquis is afraid. You can see photos from the affected places in the gallery. You can find Mishaly’s VIDEO at the beginning of the article.