Stardate: Mars kisses Earth at its closest approach.
Mars is the demonstration that our humanity adapts divinities to its image and likeness, but do not rush to imagine that Divinity is a fantasy shaped by human imagination, then you would be mistaken for ignoring the complexity of the relationships between the divine and human worlds. . We exist because the Divine exists.
Mars is only a minor deity, but one of great importance today because our humanity projects its brutal selfishness onto it, and the divinity, as is typical of it, responds to human desires.
Mars, however, is the cosmogonic powerhouse of fertility as well, of all activities that promote industry and the sustenance and prosperity of all work involved in extracting Earth’s resources to be enjoyed and shared by our humanity.
(Imagem: Billion Photos | Shutterstock)
ARIES (birth between 3/21 and 4/20)
Between everything that ties your soul to the past and what you call the future, there is your soul, bearing the tension and not knowing exactly how to act. Take a deep breath and relieve tension, it is unnecessary to give in to the urgency. Everything with serenity.
TAURUS (birth between 4/21 and 5/20)
If there were true reason in human beings, there would no longer be conflicts either, but for now people discuss and raise apparently rational arguments, however, they actually behave passionately.
GEMINI (birth between 21/5 to 20/6)
If for you to take advantage of what seems like a wonderful opportunity you would have to rush in and drop everything that is in progress, it is better to think twice and buy a little time before acting.
CANCER (birth between 6/21 and 7/21)
Much of the tension your soul experiences today is not caused by any personal event, because it is the synthesis of what is happening in the world. Try to accept the tension without the need to interpret it.
LEO (born between 7/22 and 8/22)
The fact that you are still unable to resolve the issues that are getting on your nerves does not mean that the future perspective is the same. There will still be a lot of water flowing under the bridge, where your soul tries to cross.
VIRGO (born between 8/23 and 9/22)
Desires are powerful, but they operate in the abstract realm of reality, and need arms, legs and concrete movement to become manifest. Never forget that the strength of desires is not enough.
LIBRA (born between 9/23 and 10/22)
How will it be possible to accommodate all the new developments that happen, so as not to cause unnecessary disturbances? This is probably easier than it seems now, when no movement has yet been made.
SCORPIO (born between 9/23 and 11/21)
The reasons that people give are nothing rational, they are purely passionate, but they do not want to accept this condition, which is why they unfold into arguments and justifications to explain the inexplicable.
SAGITTARIUS (born between 11/22 and 12/21)
It is unnecessary and counterproductive for you to rush in any direction, with your soul convinced that if you don’t behave like this you will miss some fabulous opportunity. Opportunity tends to be deceptive.
CAPRICORN (born between 12/22 and 1/20)
Being on good terms with people doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything and accept anything that comes from them. You can disagree, but this time be careful to do so with elegance and cordiality.
AQUARIUS (born between 1/21 and 2/19)
There is a fine and fuzzy line that separates what your soul needs to take seriously from everything else, which can be faced with a hilarious spirit. There is no generic formula that can help you make this distinction.
PISCES (born between 2/20 and 3/20)
Your desires are legitimate, however, the urgency with which you intend to fulfill them is not so legitimate. You need to know when to restrain your impulses, so as not to ruin all the effort that has been made so far. Better this way.