Dirty joints are not only an aesthetic problem. Yes, they look ugly, but dirt also makes them unusable. In addition, they can also be a source of bacteria and germs. How to clean joints at home?

Even perfectly cleaned tiles in the bathroom will look bad if you forget the grout. And cleaning them can be really difficult, especially if you haven’t done it regularly before. Sometimes mold can appear in them in addition to dirt, so it really pays to take care of it. Instead of persistently scrubbing with a brush, use a simple home trick and they will be snow white again. What will you need?

How do you clean grout using homemade paste? Make a reliable paste

Cleaning the white grout in the bathroom may not be the most pleasant cleaning job, but you can’t skip it. Otherwise, dirt and even mold will stick in them, which are dangerous for our health. Fortunately, you don’t need strong, caustic chemicals to do this. Home remedies, including a paste based on baking soda, will help. Add some water, a few drops of lemon juice to it and apply it on the dirt. Leave it on for 30-45 minutes and then wipe it off. Not a trace of dirt will remain.

TIP: Although home remedies are much gentler, they can still irritate the skin of the hands. Therefore, never forget to put on gloves beforehand. You can use an ordinary sponge to wipe the grout.

What is suitable for cleaning grout? The perfect remedy for stubborn stains

If you’re struggling with really big stains, use hydrogen peroxide instead of lemon. The resulting paste will be stronger and more effective, so it can handle even extremely difficult stains. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wipe it off. The grout will be like new.

How do you clean grout in the bathroom to keep it white? Sprinkle and moisten

Baking powder alone is ideal for smaller stains. It is enough to pour it on the grout, moisten it slightly with water and leave it on for half an hour. After the time has passed, wipe it gently. If you don’t mind its smell, you can also use vinegar.

Are you fed up with the unpleasant smell in the bathroom? This is how you get rid of it