Valadares, in Vila Nova de Gaia, the municipality that will have the highest number of desegregations in 2025.
The number results from the difference between the 295 municipalities to be restored and the number that will be abolished next Friday.
The bill that will reverse the so-called “Relvas law”, opening the door to the desegregation of parishes, will be approved this Friday and will give rise to 163 new board presidentsa number that results from the difference between the 295 city halls to be restored and the number that will be extinguished, recalls this Tuesday.
The diploma provides for the disaggregation of 132 parish unionsan increase compared to the 124 initially identified by the working group responsible for analyzing the criteria.
After much speculation — and his old guarantees — the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has already said he will not oppose the application of this law.
“As it concerns the application of a law that is in force, I have no intention of questioning it”, the head of state.
The objective of the restructuring is to adapt the administrative structure to local needs, returning autonomy to several parishes and reinforcing the proximity between local governance bodies and communities. The creator of the law, Miguel Revasdoes not agree.
The former minister of Passos Coelho states that it is the citizens who will support the desegregation, through taxes.
“It is a civilizational setback, in my opinion, it is a mistake for the organization of the country, and even more of a difficulty in transferring powers from the central administration to the local administration”, he also says, admitting however that, after ten years, they could be specific adjustments were made, such as the correction of borders in some parishes. But he questions whether the creation of almost 300 new parishes can be considered a simple “agreement” or whether it is, as he argues, a “revolution in the bad sense”.
The bill is signed by the PSD, PS, Bloco de Esquerda, PCP, Livre and PAN, thus ensuring approval. The National Association of Parishes has five days to present an opinion on the document.
Vila Nova de Gaia It is the municipality that will have the highest number of disaggregations: 7 parish unions will give way to 16 parishes.
Next are the municipalities of Santa Maria da Feira, Famalicão and Vila do Conde, each with four unions that are dissolved: Santa Maria da Feira gives rise to 11 parishes, Famalicão to nine and Vila do Conde to eight parishes.