The submarine Titan6.5 meters long, owned by the American company OceanGate Expeditionsimploded in June 2023, after a dive to observe the remains of the Titanic in the North Atlantic. After losing contact with the ship, a major rescue operation was launched to save the 5 passengers. They all died.
According to the British newspaper one of the injured, Shahzada Dawoodwho was traveling with his son Suleman, was one of the richest men in Pakistan. His personal fortune was estimated at almost 340 million euros, as well as a business empire valued at 1.5 billion euros a year in his country. But despite having this fortune, His widow has received an inheritance of 92,000 euros.
According to the newspaper, the Pakistani “did not have a valid British will at the time of his death.” Thus, “in the absence of the document, testamentary letters were issued to the administrator of the estate. In some of them, it was mentioned that the billionaire’s residence was in Pakistan, therefore, most of the inheritance remained outside the United Kingdom“.
Being a resident in England, I can only take the British part of his assets, valued at 92,000 euros. She continues to reside “in her manor house in Surrey, northwest of the United Kingdom,” the outlet concludes.