Recently, George Tănase parodied her on his YouTube channel on Neti Sandu. At the beginning of the year, many people read their horoscope to see how they will fare. Thus, the comedian found the right moment to make funny and unexpected predictions.
The horoscope begins with an irony to those who are used to reading forecasts and who “I think their lives are influenced by some choices and not by their own decisions„.
„Good morning to all those who believe that their lives are influenced by some choices and not by their own decisions. The vibe of the day is… you guys put a number in the comments and that’s it! Which means we should be careful what we say, who we talk to, so we don’t end up like Little Red Riding Hood“, says George Tănase in the preamble to the presentation of the annual horoscope.
Start the year strong with many plans and no achievements, with many promises you won’t keep! For Aries, 2025 is the year of waiting, in the sense that they will wait for the year 2026 to come. Don’t worry, 2025 will be a very good year for Aries born in March, but a so-so year for those born in April. Or I think it was the other way around, I don’t know anymore, that the stars have no prompter to read. Be very careful on July 13, because it will be hot and on August 18, when Jupiter will enter Cancer.
The beginning of the year finds you pessimistic, maybe because of the heating bills, or maybe because of who you voted for. The important thing is that in the second part of the year, you learn to live with this pessimism. However, 2025 brings you health and money, but not love, because the stars send it all to Ciprian Marica. However, look at the other side of the glass, because if you have health, you can make money, and if there is money, you can buy health. So love would just eat you both up.
Read also The 3 zodiac signs that will have love stories like in movies in January 2025. Cupid’s arrow will hit them when they least expect it
What can I tell you so that you can interpret as you want? It’s going to be an eventful year and that can mean a lot: maybe the birth of a child or maybe a flood in the apartment. Either you win the lottery or you end up in jail, I’ve given you more options so you can believe what you want. Very important for Gemini is that in 2025 many changes will come, among which, I don’t know, think of a change now and that will be the change. Take care too, mommy!
In Cancer, I won’t talk about the health part, because cancer in English is spelled cancer and I’m superstitious! However, be careful what you eat too, because if it expires tomorrow, it doesn’t mean it’s good today! In terms of love, Cancers will do well, not at the level of Marica, but not at the level of Irinel Columbeanu. Rather, they will be somewhere at the level of Andreea Bălan, with a serious relationship after some time. Pay close attention to May 22, when something is going to happen. I don’t know exactly what, because I didn’t pay a subscription to the website that gives me my horoscope.
Luck flirts with you at the beginning of the year, in the sense that it winks at you, then disappears. You have to be persistent, stick to it, if you don’t want to end up making your own luck. On the material level, you will receive an unexpected visit, maybe from the bank, maybe from ANAF, maybe from loan sharks, someone from this area, who takes the skin off you. Be careful how you handle this encounter, because it’s one thing to sit in a cell and another to sit in a coffin! On the love front, Leos don’t need love, because they love themselves too much anyway.
To you, of, of, of, how to tell you indirectly or directly? It’s going to be a can I say it? Do you remember 2024? The only difference in the new year for you is that 4 turned into 5. Otherwise, I don’t even know what else to tell you, because I have no text here. And the stars and I kind of forgot about you.
The stars asked me to send the Libras a message for 2025: don’t screw you up! The stars didn’t tell me what they were referring to, they just told me to call them that, because they know better.
The year 2025 will keep Scorpios in Ukraine and Palestine busy, but also the rest with installments in the bank. The New Moon in Aquarius will make its presence felt throughout the year, which means a lot of change. They will have four seasons, hot, cold, cool, days off, days at work. Dear Scorpios, remember September 2nd and don’t say I didn’t tell you!
Retrograde Jupiter is taking care of you, but Jupiter will not go to work for you. And he won’t text your crush either, so act, because that planet isn’t going to budge from there. Sagittarius will have an iron health in 2025, in the sense that you will be very good on iron, but much worse on calcium and magnesium. I have no date for you to remember, because, how lucky you usually are in life, it is quite possible that an icicle will fall on your head in the summer!
For Capricorns, it is the year of relationships. No more unconscious pairings, no more emotional breakdowns! Saturn is tired of seeing you cry about your ex! So you’ll find someone and later regret that you didn’t enjoy this period when you were naked enough. Materially, pray to Saturn to find you a partner with money!
Also read 5 zodiac signs that will be lucky in the coming months. Their biggest dreams will come true
This year, you’ll finally make the cut! On what plane, you ask? Well, let’s take it easy: you don’t have much money, but you don’t do anything extra to earn, so we cut that. Love? I feel slight traces of desperation through the screen and maybe mediocrity. And health: when was the last time you had your tests done? That’s exactly what I was saying. So this shot is probably just a kick in the ass from the stars.
Because you stayed until the end of the clip and help the monetization, you will have everything in 2025! New car, new house, maybe, why not, and a new rate to afford the car and house. It is certain that everything will be under the number 9. Be careful, remember the date of November 9, when it is the Saint Nectarie and Horia Brenciu concert at the Palatului Hall.