When to sow petunias? An important date thanks to which petunias will bloom in summer
Petunias are one of the most popular plants planted in gardens and balconies. They come from South America, but they work great in our climate. They are characterized by beautiful flowers in red and purple shades. In Poland, garden petunias are most often grown. It is an annual plant and should be sown in winter. This will give the plant enough time to grow and grow. Petunia sowing begins at the turn of January and February. It is best to use boxes or pots for this purpose, which must have appropriate holes for water drainage. Petunia seeds are very small and are sown in 3 grains in one place. Then the seeds should be gently pressed to the ground. After sowing, the seeds must be sprayed with water. Do not cover pots prepared in this way with foil. Plants must have constant access to air. After some time, when they appear, they can be transplanted to the target location. During this period, you can slowly start fertilizing your petunias.
Buy it for PLN 3 and water your petunias with it. In one night, the withered and wasted flowers will rise again
Petunias bloom best in well-sunny positions. They release new flowers from the beginning of spring until the first frost. Importantly, petunia roots rot easily, so ensure proper drainage of the soil and avoid overwatering. It is better to water petunias more often, but with less water. On hot days, water them even twice a day. Remember to do it in the morning and evening, when the sun is not very intense yet. Otherwise, you may burn the leaves. This homemade conditioner is perfect for fertilizing petunias. All you need to do is mix 10 g of citric acid in 10 liters of water. Water the petunias with this mixture once every two weeks. Citric acid conditioner works on both potted petunias and those growing in the garden. Citric acid will acidify the soil, which will help the plant absorb nutrients from the ground. This stimulates the growth and flowering processes. Citric acid stimulates the metabolism of many plants.