In addition to cleaning windows, washing curtains is also one of the less popular activities. It often happens that we have to repeat the process due to pollution. We suggest how to quickly whiten curtains so that they beautifully decorate our home.

  • Before putting the curtains in the washing machine, gently shake off the dust from them. Don’t forget to do it outside!
  • If they are quite dirty or yellowed from cigarette smoke, soak them first. Simply put them for about 40 minutes in a bowl of warm water (its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees), into which you pour baking soda (a tablespoon per five liters of water) or baking powder (one package per about five liters of water).

The best way to get snow-white curtains

  1. It is enough to pour warm water into a large bowl and then add about 120 grams of salt – it will lighten and soften the fabric.
  2. Then put the curtains in the solution and leave them there for about eight minutes.
  3. After this time, rinse them thoroughly.
  4. In the next step, add a little 40 ml of vinegar.
  5. Wet the curtains again and finally rinse them thoroughly in clean water.

Have you ever tried it?

You will never iron curtains again. This is how my grandmother used to wash them. They don’t cringe