Are you looking for a plant that will survive almost anything, make your home cozy and also contribute to better air quality? The spathe, often also called the peace lily, is the answer to all these requirements. Its elegant leaves and delicate white flowers make a perfect addition to the interior, even if you place it in rooms without windows.
Lopatkovec is synonymous with unpretentiousness and durability. This houseplant can survive in conditions that other species would not be able to handle. It is an ideal choice for rooms without natural light. In addition, it benefits your health because it effectively cleans the air of harmful substances. Thanks to its properties, it found its way mainly into offices, bathrooms and dark corners of homes.
“In old apartments and houses where heating was done locally, in stoves, there were big differences in day and night temperatures. Even the air humidity in such apartments was higher than today. Therefore, different plants thrived in them than in today’s dry tropics with central heating. However, bathrooms offer good conditions for growing,” says gardener Ivan Dvořák.
On video from Great Gardening on how to grow scapula in water, check out YouTube:
Source: Youtube
Lopatkovec and its natural resistance
This plant comes from the tropical regions of Central and South America, where it grows in the undergrowth of rainforests. This is why the scapula adapts to the shade and manages to survive even in places where there is not enough natural light. All it needs is artificial lighting that you normally use in interiors. Thanks to its dark green leaves, it can absorb even a minimal amount of light well.
The advantage of the scapula is its ability to survive even with minimal care. It is resistant to drought, overflow and sudden temperature changes. In addition, if you give it a little attention, it will reward you with healthy growth and beautiful white flowers.
How to care for scapula in rooms without windows
Lopatkovec retains its vitality even in challenging conditions. However, proper watering is important for its long-term growth and prosperity. The soil should be slightly moist, but not soggy. Additionally, excess water in the bowl could lead to root rot. It is therefore ideal to water it once a week, while in winter the frequency of watering can be reduced.
Dry air in rooms without windows doesn’t bother shovelers. Nevertheless, it will benefit from the occasional misting of the leaves. This step not only helps the plant but also improves indoor air quality. Regularly wiping the leaves with a damp cloth rids them of dust, which promotes better photosynthesis.
Fertilizing is not necessary for scapula, but for its healthy growth it is advisable to apply liquid fertilizer once a month. The substrate in which it grows should be permeable and rich in nutrients. Repotting once every two years is sufficient.
Lopatkovec as a natural air purifier
Buttercup is one of the most effective plants in removing harmful substances from the air. NASA studies have shown that it can absorb formaldehyde, benzene and other toxins that are released from furniture, carpets or cleaning products. This natural air filter improves the quality of the environment in which you live.
Thanks to its ability to regulate air humidity, sedum helps to prevent problems with dry air in rooms. Its presence is therefore beneficial not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for your health.
The most common mistakes when growing scapula
Spillover is the most common cause of problems. The plant tolerates a drier substrate rather than waterlogging. Brown spots on the leaves often indicate overwatering or too hard water. It is ideal to use settled or filtered water.
Another mistake is inappropriate placement. Although the scapula tolerates shade, its growth and flowering are supported by artificial lighting. So avoid direct sunlight, which could burn the leaves.
Undemanding plant with many benefits
Lopatkovec is an ideal choice for anyone looking for an undemanding and hardy houseplant. It survives even in conditions without natural light, cleans the air and contributes to a better indoor climate. It needs minimal care in the form of proper watering, occasional misting and regular wiping of the leaves.