Waste segregation is an important issue – the greater awareness in this regard, the better. Some garbage is a bit problematic, however. They certainly fall into this category bags after cooking rice or groats. Many people throw them into the plastic bin, and that shouldn’t be the case. Find out how to dispose of them properly.
The yellow plastic waste bin is not the place to throw away bags after cooking groats or rice. This type of waste actually looks like plastic at first glance, but it is a much more complex issue. Due to its chemical properties, this type of waste is not processed through recycling. The bags in which we cook groats or rice are made of plastic containing Bisphenol A. Therefore, they cannot be recycled.
It is worth remembering that rice or groats bags are not the only example of incorrect recycling in many cases – all containers with food leftovers, such as pizza wrappers, should also be placed in the black bin for mixed waste.
In stores we can find a wide selection of rice or groats for cooking in plastic bags and we often choose them. Did you know that this is not the healthiest choice?
Rice and various types of rice are products containing a lot of B vitamins, as well as vitamin C. Importantly, however, these vitamins dissolve in water, so if you throw rice or groats in a bag into water and then pour the water out after cooking, the vitamins will not they will come to you. The only correct way to cook such products is without plastic packaging.
Moreover, the bags in which we cook rice are simply dangerous to our health, primarily because of the previously mentioned reason Bisphenol A. It may lead to hormonal disorders, thyroid problems, or – in men – testosterone problems. Moreover, this compound has an adverse effect on our metabolism and is considered one of the factors leading to obesity. It may also contribute to the development of breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Bisphenol A it is particularly harmful to pregnant women and children. It may cause hyperactivity in children.
So if you usually cook rice or groats in a bag, give it up as soon as possible, primarily for your health. It is also important that buying groats or rice in one-kilogram packages – instead of bags – is much cheaper. Not only your body will thank you for changing your habit, but also your wallet.
Source: calkiemzdrowo.pl, Terazgotuje.pl