The advancement of the second part of the tax reform regulation will depend on Rodrigo Pacheco’s (PSD-MG) successor as president of the Federal Senate. The clear favorite is in the internal election for the post, scheduled for February 1st.
The complementary bill is already in the Senate. However, in addition to the content of the text itself, there are still important points to be defined, such as who will be the rapporteur and which committees the project will go through within the House.
These points must be defined after parliamentarians return to work, in the week beginning February 3rd. The perspective is that Davi Alcolumbre – if his victory is confirmed – will determine what the procedure will be like.
For example, whether the project will only go through the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ) and then the plenary – as Pacheco had thought –, or whether it will go through another collegiate body.
The choice of rapporteur – that is, the senator who will lead the discussion of the topic and the final version of the project to be voted on – must be in the hands of the future president of the CCJ. In this case, the most quoted is Otto Alencar (PSD-BA).
The federal government’s intention is for the project to be approved in Congress by the end of the year. The text has already passed the Chamber of Deputies.
Among other points, this second part of the regulation defines rules on the Management Committee, which will manage the Tax on Goods and Services, the IBS, which is under state and municipal jurisdiction. The new tax will unify and replace ICMS and ISS.
The definitive reform changes will come into force in 2027. In the case of IBS, the charge will be implemented gradually from 2029 until 2033, when it will definitively replace ICMS and ISS.
The Steering Committee will bring together representatives from the Union, states and municipalities to coordinate the collection, inspection, collection and distribution of IBS to the federative units. Furthermore, the committee will be responsible for preparing and calculating the IBS rate.
This Wednesday (16), the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), sanctioned, with vetoes, the first tax reform regulation project.
The sanctioned law determines rules on the new taxes created by the reform, the Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS), which is federal, and the IBS.
The sanctioned project also defines details about the Selective Tax (IS), known as the “sin tax”, which is levied on items considered harmful to health and the environment. This tax will be “extra”, charged in addition to CBS and IBS.