The rapporteur of the proposal that regulates tax reform, deputy Reginaldo Lopes (PT-MG)highlighted that 94 million Brazilians will receive their tax back with the implementation of the cashback provided for in the new law.
Complementary Law 214/25, which regulates the reform, was sanctioned this Thursday (16), . The text originated in the Complementary Law Project (PLP) 68/24, approved in December by the Chamber of Deputies, and has not yet been published in the Official Gazette.
Reginaldo Lopes stated that the reform is, after the Real Plan, the most important for Brazil’s economic sectors. For him, the text will also help the country face deindustrialization with the end of tax cumulativeness, which is the collection of tax on tax. “Great revolution in carrying out the most daring structural reform of the Brazilian economy in the last 40 years”, he said.
Lopes also defended the effort to guarantee the progressiveness of the tax system, in which the richest pay more and the poorest pay less in consumption taxes. “The most important, most resilient tax is the tax on consumption. We’re going to have to make the progressive approach to consumption that we, on the left, have always dreamed of.”
New rules
The sanctioned text contains details about each regime with reduced or exempt tax incidence, the refund of taxes for low-income consumers (cashback), international purchasing over the internet and the linking of payment mechanisms with the collection system.
The law regulates various aspects of the collection of Tax on Goods and Services (IBS), Contribution on Goods and Services (CBS) and Selective Tax, which will replace PIS, Cofins, ICMS, ISS and partially IPI.
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(With Câmara Agency)