Do it with thujas in the garden in February! Mix this powder with water and spray it on the thuja. In spring they will turn green quickly and become impressive. Winter spraying for thuja against pests

by Andrea
Do it with thujas in the garden in February! Mix this powder with water and spray it on the thuja. In spring they will turn green quickly and become impressive. Winter spraying for thuja against pests

When to discover thuja? Thanks to this, the conifer will turn green in spring

Thujas do not require covering. However, it is worth doing this in the case of young and delicate specimens. One of the most important care activities that must be regularly performed on thujas in winter is shaking off snow. Heavy patches of snow can break delicate thuja twigs. Young, covered individuals are exposed only when the weather permits. Temperatures must be above zero with no night frosts. Only then can the agrotextile be removed. Gardeners point out that . Then the weather is usually favorable. In the case of older, uncovered thujas, February is the month in which you can start the first spraying. It is at this time that the first spraying of conifers against pests is recommended. This type of treatments are intended to strengthen thujas and protect them against browning of the needles. In February, use sprays that increase resistance to fungal diseases and deter pests, including spruce aphids.

Mix this powder with water and spray it on the thuja. February spraying to strengthen conifers

In addition to purchased sprays, you can also use natural ones in February. In the fight against pests, baking soda, water and a small amount of gray soap will work great. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 5 ml of gray soap to 2 liters of water. You can use old soap shavings. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. Spray thuja thoroughly. Baking soda has bactericidal and fungicidal properties. It will improve plant resistance to fungal diseases. Gray soap helps fight pests. It repels, among others, aphids, spider mites and weevils. It is also safe for plants. February spraying on thuja is carried out preventively and is intended to strengthen the plants. You can also use it if you notice symptoms of disease or pests on the conifers.


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