The president of SC, Décio Lima, filed a request for the Public Ministry to investigate a speech in which the governor of Santa Catarina, Jorginho Mello (), praised.
The PT member, who was defeated by Jorginho in the elections for the state government in 2022, said in the representation that the governor’s speech was “disastrous, criminal, racist and supremacist”.
The governor’s statements were made last Wednesday (15), at the opening of the 40th edition of the Festa Pomerana, an event that celebrates Germanic traditions.
“it stands out for its tourist beauty, for its half-timbered houses, for the color of people’s skin, for its mix, for what it represents for all of us”, said Jorginho in an audio sent to the press by the communications department.
“So here in Pomerode, all the people who come here come back. It’s a sign that they liked it, it’s a sign that it makes a difference in people’s lives. So that’s why celebrating, supporting, helping at a party like this is an obligation of the State Government”, added the governor.
Pomerode, a city neighboring Blumenau, is 170 kilometers from the capital Florianópolis. With a population of 34 thousand people, the municipality refers to itself as “little Germany” or .
“The news [Jorginho] treating this fact (white skin color of the population of Pomerode), as something prominent, something that makes the city attractive, clearly denotes supremacist speech, posture, conduct of the state governor, when treating people with white skin color, as better, more attractive, as being prominent, to the detriment of other skin colors (blacks, browns)”, said Lima, who also holds the position of national president of Sebrae.
When contacted, the governor’s office did not respond. In a post on social media on Thursday, he said that racism is a crime and that this accusation does not apply to him.
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