Last Thursday, SpaceX carried out Starship’s seventh flight test, marking another chapter in the technological advances of Elon Musk’s company. Despite successfully recovering the Super Heavy propellant, the Starship rocket ended up destroying itself shortly after the separation of the two parts, resulting in an impressive explosion that created images worthy of a “meteor shower”.
The company confirmed that the rocket was unable to complete the mission, with scattered debris causing some concern. The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued warnings to aircraft pilots, reporting “a dangerous area with falling debris” in the Caribbean. This warning led to the rerouting of some planes to avoid possible risks.
Despite the setback, the test allowed us to collect valuable data for future launches. Starship is a key piece in Musk’s vision for interplanetary travel, being designed to take humans to the Moon and Mars. The incident reinforces the complexity of the project and SpaceX’s dedication to overcoming technical challenges to reach the stars.
Success is uncertain, but entertainment is guaranteed! ✨
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)