Rye bran is produced during the milling of ryewhich is ground into flour. When grain is processed, the outer layer of grain is separated from it. It is the main part of the bran composition. The casing may be more or less chopped or crushed, but it is still rich in valuable ingredients.
Although wheat bran is much more popular, rye bran is also worth paying attention to. This good source of vitamin A, E and B vitamins. Mineral salts will be provided magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, potassium, manganese. Most importantly, such bran is rich in: dietary fiber.
Rye bran will help maintain a healthy digestive system. Eating them regularly improves digestionespecially fatty, heavy meals. Pimprove intestinal peristalsis and regulate the rhythm of bowel movements. They will eliminate constipation and remove deposits and toxins from the intestines.
Thanks to its high fiber content rye bran will help you lose weight. Not only will they help speed up your metabolism and burn fat faster. Fiber will keep you feeling full for long hours. As a result, we will be able to provide our body with a small amount of calories and still feel full. We won’t feel hungry and we will not snack between meals. This will make it easier to maintain the designated amount of calories that we can eat during the day.
Taking rye bran will help lower the level of “bad” LDL cholesterolby absorbing part of the cholesterol from the intestine. At the same time, they will regulate blood pressure. In this way, bran will take care of the circulatory system and have anti-atherosclerotic properties. They will protect the heart against the development of diseases such as ischemic disease or heart failure.
In addition, the abundance of minerals makes it rye bran will have a positive effect for muscle work and for their regeneration after heavy physical exercise. They will strengthen bones and teeth, will prevent the development of osteoporosis. Additionally, the proper functioning of the nervous system will be maintained.
Rye bran is a great addition to morning breakfast suggestions. They can be used to diversify the usual ones cereal with milk, yogurts with granola, oatmeal or fruit cocktails. We can enrich them too oatmeal cookies, cakes, breads or even cakes or pancakes.
Moreover, rye bran successfully they will replace traditional breadcrumbs for breading meat. Such breading will also be tasty and much healthier than the commonly used one. Bran can also be added to any vegetable salads.
Source: mojdietetyk.pl, Terazgotuje.pl