Young woman shot by PRF in RJ can now communicate in writing; look

by Andrea

Young Juliana Leite Rangel, 26 years old, PRF) on Christmas Eve, remains hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit and is showing an improvement in her health. According to her family, she can now communicate via notes.

Through social media, the young woman’s mother, Dayse Luci Rangel, published a video of a letter written by her daughter, in which she asks for justice. See below:

“I’m going to record a video of the letter that Juliana asks for justice, because in a photo it’s not possible to see very well what she meant here. I want justice, only God and I know what I’m going through”, says the mother, showing the note.

In a note, the City of Duque de Caxias reported that Juliana “is in good general condition, showing hemodynamic stability, clinical and laboratory signs of good response to the treatment instituted to control the infectious condition”.

Still according to the bulletin, the patient continues to breathe through the tracheostomy, having returned to mechanical ventilation and spending periods of the day off ventilatory support, and remains without the need for sedation, waking up and interacting with the environment, performing motor and respiratory physiotherapy .”

Despite this, the patient remains in intensive care, being monitored by the neurosurgery and psychology services, together with a multidisciplinary team, with no expected discharge.

Remember the case

Juliana was in the car with her family on the way to Niterói for Christmas dinner, when she was shot by PRF agents during an approach on the Washington Luís highway (BR-040), in Duque de Caxias, Baixada Fluminense. Her father was also shot.

On Christmas Day, the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) to investigate the conduct of PRF agents.

The PRF reported that the agents – two men and one woman – involved in the case were preventively removed from operational activities.

* Under supervision


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