In winter, potted plants need more attention than usual. If you see that dry air in combination with low temperatures does not serve them and they slowly wither away, prepare a homemade strengthening conditioner. All you need is water and one product. You can buy it in a grocery store for one euro.

You can find many ready-made fertilizers for potted plants in stores, but these are chemical products. For this reason, more and more people are turning to homemade methods of feeding their plants. The most popular methods include watering with decoctions of coffee grounds, banana peels or milk, but they do not work for all species. Recently, the gelatin trick has also become popular. How to apply it and does it really work?

How to stimulate the growth of flowers in pots? This fertilizer works wonders

There’s a reason why gardeners have been relying on gelatin fertilizers lately.

  • It contains a lot of nutrients that support plant growth. Among them are mainly amino acids that support the development of the root system, as well as nitrogen to support balanced growth.
  • The element is released gradually, so the plant can receive food freely for a long time. Gelatin fertilizer also stimulates plants to produce green matter and improves flowering.
  • By the way, it also increases immunity. Thanks to such a conditioner, our specimens will be less often attacked by various pests, including aphids, and will better withstand adverse weather conditions, which are not difficult in winter.

All these aspects led to the fact that the European Union included gelatin in the list of substances approved for use in organic agriculture.

Which flowers can be watered with gelatin fertilizer? These plants will thank you

The preparation of homemade fertilizer is very simple.

  1. Simply pour 2 tablespoons of gelatin into a bowl and then cover with a glass of hot water.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and then add 750 milliliters of cold water.
  3. Mix everything again and the fertilizer is ready.

Apply it once a month and you will notice results quickly. Species it works best on include monstera, dracaena, philodendron, aloe vera, horsetail, sansevieria (mother-in-law’s tongues), zamiokulkas, ficus and fern. In the case of garden plants, these are hydrangeas, roses, daisies, geraniums and begonias. Thanks to the high nitrogen content, the fertilizer will also prove itself for vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.

Monstera refuses to grow? Give her this fruit and she will grow