The federal deputy (-SP) considers that the minister, of the (Supreme Federal Court), has the objective of “crush” the opposition to the president (PT) by refusing the request of (PL) to attend the inauguration of, on Monday- fair (20).
Eduardo, who is already there for the ceremony, says he sees “real chances” of Moraes having his visa revoked and mentions a project being discussed in the American Congress to this end.
The deputy has a busy schedule in Washington and is expected to participate in very private events that are part of Trump’s inauguration, including dinners with the presence of the Republican and members of the future government.
He will be accompanied by his wife and former first lady, who will arrive in the United States this Saturday (18).
How did you see Minister Alexandre Moraes’ refusal to give the power to Jair? Bolsonaro?
I think it is interference in the political opposition to Lula. We are talking about the main right-wing opposition, a person who still takes to the streets and attracts crowds. So, this interference and collusion between the Judiciary is clear. This is very bad for democracy. And I say this because there is no possibility of Jair leaving the country. He never made a public statement, there is no text, no post, there is absolutely nothing indicating the suspicion that he is going to leave the country.
So there’s no reason for you to stop it, understand? There’s no reason. And he doesn’t have a passport. People here ask: ‘Wow, you don’t have a passport, but why?’
You say it is interference, but for what purpose?
Crush the country’s opposition for his personal, political interests, and with a vengeance, since Bolsonaro is challenging him. He even signed a request for impeachment of Alexandre de Moraes while he was still president of the Republic. So, he has a personal desire for revenge. He tramples all laws, all Constitutions due to the illegal process.
I would start by asking why a former president who does not have a privileged jurisdiction is originally being tried in the Federal Supreme Court. Including by a person who claims to be a victim of coup acts, where he opens investigations, he is a victim, he judges, he accuses. Bolsonaro should never be responding in this forum. There are plenty of grounds for you to cancel this process.
What would guarantee that Bolsonaro would not run away and stay here in the USA?
But then, what assumption do the people who are accusing that he is going to run away from if I just said that he has already traveled internationally? [para a posse de Javier Milei] and it didn’t come out? I’ll tell you more. It’s not my father’s profile. Even though he has severe criticism of the process that is underway, he doesn’t mind being here. And he absolutely complied with all of Moraes’ decisions. All. Deliver vaccination card, deliver cell phone, deliver I don’t know what, return gift. Everything above average.
There is an intention to ask Trump or members of his team to take some action regarding Moraes’ visa. Is this on the radar?
There are already laws stating that authorities who abuse their power, authorities who do not respect, including American laws, can lose their passport. This came to light after Florida embraced our cause, the Brazilians’ cause, and she made a demonstration, I think she sent a letter, to American authorities, asking for a visa from Alexandre de Moraes and all the ministers of the Brazilian Supreme Court. . She and five or six other parliamentarians signed. Of course, this is just a job, it’s a statement from a congressman, but this is going to gain strength.
Maria Salazar proposed the project to ban international authorities who do not respect the first amendment [de liberdade de expressão]. This is a case that fits perfectly into those discussions against Alexandre de Moraes. Because Alexandre de Moraes forced network X to take down posts and Elon Musk refused. Most likely, the discussion on this project will return now, okay? It wasn’t put forward at the end of last year because it wouldn’t have enough time and it wouldn’t be interesting. And she [Salazar] is close to the new chancellor, Marco Rubio.
Should you take this request to Trump?
In my assessment, there is a real risk that Alexandre de Moraes will lose his visa to enter the United States, especially if this brutally aggressive conduct appears, not only against Brazilians, but also against American authorities. I don’t know if Trump will understand this decision not to let Jair Bolsonaro come here as healthy, as democratic.
Should you make this request to Rubio, bring this up in conversation?
I don’t know. My conduct is not personal. My conduct is always to defend the values of freedom, free initiative and non-persecution. In principle, I do not take any action thinking about calling Alexandre de Moraes. All my attitudes are generic, abstract, in order to stop any tyranny.
X-RAY | Eduardo Bolsonaro, 40
Federal deputy for the third consecutive term, he is the third son of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL). Graduated in law from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), he is a clerk at . Member of the Foreign Relations Committee, he will become Secretary of International and Institutional Relations of the PL next week.