Rodrigo Gatinho /
Vítor Gaspar, former Minister of State and Finance, is director of the IMF’s Budgetary Affairs department
Mandates of the two coming to an end and growing tension between Centeno and the Government brings ex-Minister of Finance at the table: he is the favorite, but there are other names. The final choice will be made by the Government.
The former Minister of Finance and current director of the Public Finance Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Victor Gasparis pointed out as o government favorite to succeed the socialist Mário Centeno as governor of the Bank of Portugal (BdP).
The news released this Saturday reminds us that their terms end next summer, but the possible appointment of Vítor Gaspar depends on his availability to take on the role.
Gaspar is considered a solid choice due to his vast experience, both nationally and internationally, in the field of public finances, but his connection to the period of austerity, during the ‘troika’ intervention between 2011 and 2014, is seen as a possible barrier in political negotiations, especially with the PS.
However, the e will want to take this opportunity to nominate someone close to their political line, like Gaspar.
Although Vítor Gaspar is the favorite, the CM puts forward other potential successors. Álvaro Santos Pereiraformer Minister of Economy, e Ricardo Reisa university professor, will also be options to succeed Centeno.
The final choice will be made by the Governmentwith a proposal from the Minister of Finance, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, after the opinion of the Assembly of the Republic.
Government thinks “something strange” is happening around Centeno
Centeno, in turn, intends to fulfill the current mandate and move on to a second one, he said, ensuring that will not be a candidate for President of the Republic.
But tension has grown between the socialist and the Government, particularly due to differences over remuneration at the BdP. The recent controversy surrounding , director of the Bank of Portugal (BdP), led the Minister of Finance to call a meeting of the Salary Commission, something that It hadn’t happened in 13 years.
Miranda Sarmento that if a commission does not meet for 13 years it is because “something strange is happening”.
This meeting follows a meeting as Secretary General of the Government, which would be in the order of 15.000 eurosand the former director of Banco do Portugal ended up giving up his position.
The position will be occupied by , former minister of the governments of Santana Lopes and Pedro Passos Coelho, who will receive a salary in accordance with the legal table.