These home remedies can relieve colds and flu in an all-natural way

by Andrea

It’s here again: the winter season and with it the regularly returning colds. What about that? We will help ourselves at home using the classic “grandmother’s” advice. It’s not complicated and it’s chemical free.

It is enough to have a slightly reduced defense capacity and the virus will not keep you waiting for long. Then comes a cold, fatigue, maybe even a cough, pain in the hips and the whole body – in short, a condition that no one wants to suffer for long. So let’s see how we can help each other easily and mostly effectively at such a time. We will only need what we have at home.

How about the flu? For example, according to the advice in the YouTube video by the author Město Ždírec nad Doubravou:

Source: Youtube

Cure is not cowardice

The first thing we should realize is the fact that the body needs rest, warmth and sufficient nutrition to fight a cold. Therefore, don’t be afraid to really go to bed and dedicate the weekend to honest moaning. It is neither shame nor excessive hypochondria, it is just a method to get rid of unpleasant conditions as soon as possible.

Increased temperature is a friend

If an increased temperature comes along, experts advise to welcome it rather than immediately start fighting it. It is a natural process by which the body rids itself of disease-causing microorganisms. If we fight the increased temperature, we will only help the viruses and bacteria, certainly not ourselves. Of course, this is not the case when the fever rises higher and higher, but up to 38 °C we do not need to worry.

Herbs on the front line

Herbs also naturally belong to home treatment, and not only in the form of tea. Which ones will help the most? Chamomile fights inflammation in the body excellently, elderflower or thyme promote sweating, linden flower or plantain leaves will also support you with a cough, and sage can be gargled with a sore throat. If you have an arrowroot at home, don’t hesitate and start making tea. You won’t find such a dose of vitamin C as these red fruits offer you.

Natural antibiotics from the pantry

But nature offers us literal superdrugs from its reserves in the form of completely natural antibiotics. We can talk about honey, but also about garlic or maybe ginger.

An interesting combination that some people love and others simply tolerate because of the need for quick treatment is crushed garlic mixed with honey. This combination of two natural wonders is unparalleled and can be eaten by the spoonful or spread on toasted bread. You might be surprised how good this unexpected combination turns out to be.

The power of honest broth

Our great-grandmothers, who carried it as a gift to strengthen mothers after childbirth, sang odes about the power of chicken broth. In addition to being nutritious, it also supports the activity of white blood cells, which are the main fighters against infections in the body.

So it was not only suitable for new mothers in the days when they could only dream of medical care, but it is also suitable for us. Let’s not forget the old proven methods, they can save us from the need to consume synthetically prepared drugs.

Wrap the sore spot

The well-known and proven priessnitz will help with a sore neck. It is a wrap that we will prepare from several layers. A fabric soaked in cold water is applied directly to the skin, followed by an impermeable layer of plastic (for example, food film) and finally a dry fabric – a scarf or scarf. A neck bandaged in this way will go through several stages within an hour.

In the first one, the veins and capillaries contract due to the cold, later, as the wet layer warms up, everything returns to its original state. In doing so, the muscles and other tissues can relax and the affected area will be relieved. It is simple, but effective, as Vincenc Priessnitz, the inventor of this method, already knew.

We all have our own methods

Have you found your way to fight a cold? You probably do, and it’s almost certain that you’re also familiar with all of these methods. But it is important that we remember them at the right moment and also use them. Nature knows well what it does and what it offers us. Let’s not despise her generosity, it will only benefit our body.


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