Investigation into the tragedy that left two people dead and injured is already underway
A tragic plane crash occurred in São Paulo, on Thursday night (16), resulting in the death of two passengers and leaving the pilot and a 12-year-old child injured. The aircraft, which had taken off from Campo de Marte en route to Americana, lost its GPS signal amid adverse weather conditions.
The fatal victims were identified as André Feldman, aged 50, and his wife, Juliana Feldman, aged 49. The couple’s daughter, Bethina, and the pilot, Edenilson de Oliveira Costa, managed to survive and are receiving medical care under observation.
The circumstances that led to the accident are still under investigation. Bad weather and the difficulties associated with night flying may have played a significant role in the tragedy, given that at the time of takeoff it was raining heavily. The aircraft crashed in the Morro do Tico-Tico region, close to the Nosso Teto Housing Complex, in the municipality of Caieiras.
Investigation into the tragic accident is already underway and investigators from the Fourth Regional Service for the Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Seripa IV) and the regional body of the Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Cenipa) are working together on the case.
The helicopter involved in the incident was an EC 130 B4 model, belonging to the company C & F Administração de Aeronaves LTDA. According to preliminary information, the aircraft complied with airworthiness standards.
*Report produced with the help of AI
Posted by Victor Oliveira